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School Counseling

Welcome to Echo Lake’s Counselor Web Page! 


Hello students and families,

My name is Ms. Farkas and I am Echo Lake's school counselor. I have worked at Echo Lake since the 2018-2019 school year and I'm excited to be with you! On this page you will be able to find some links and resources to help navigate this year.  

As a school counselor, I work with students to build their social-emotional skills. In the classroom, students work to build their academic skills in math, reading, writing, critical thinking, etc. In order to build their academic skills, students also need social emotional skills. Social-emotional skills allow students to identify and manage their emotions, focus in class, work with others, build friendships, and persevere when things get hard. I perform the following roles in order to promote positive development in the social and emotional aspects of the students’ lives so they are better able to learn:

  • Individual counseling
  • Small group counseling
  • Social-Emotional Learning Lessons in classrooms
  • Attend and participate in academic intervention meetings
  • Observe students in various school environments
  • Consult and collaborate with parents, teachers, administrators, social workers and students
  • Respond to school crises or emergency situations
  • Provide information and resources to parents on a variety of issues

On this site you can find resources and information related to social-emotional skill building, mental health, and school happenings. 

Feel free to contact me with any questions and/or concerns! I can be reached by phone at 206-393-1265 or email


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